Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Requiem for an Ugly Winter

Okay, I'm guessing we all know how to do it, but let's walk through the process just in case: put your thumbs in your ears, fully extend your fingers, pinch your eyes shut, wrinkle your nose and blow a raspberry with such slobbery force that a little air escapes from the nether region. So long, old man winter!

I have to say, I'm looking forward to a few things as spring arrives, like:

  • Being able to ride a bicycle without studded tires

  • Streets of normal width, allowing parked cars out of the lane of traffic

  • An outdoors with green stuff

  • Coats, hats and mittens that rest politely in the closet

  • Wearing only one pair of underwear and socks at a time (dare to dream)

  • Happy First Day of Spring!

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