Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Three Counties Ride

We decided it would be a good idea to do some long training for Trance Iowa, so Steve came up with a long route that would keep us busy all day. It would actually end up being the longest I had ever done in one go.

Met up with Grant, Tyler and Tour of the Divide finisher Brett at 06:00 at Steve's place off Walter St. Headed west through town, out Hammersley to Mid-Town and south into Green County, through Primrose to New Glarus. Refueled at the bakery before heading out again. About mile 70, my brand-new Santini shorts began to hurt my saddle area, and I set upon learning two valuable lessons:

1. Never wear untested clothing on the longest ride of your life to date, and
2. Always bring chamois cream.

Saddle soreness had never really been much of a problem before, but my butt was on fire for the entire second half of this ride. I don't wear those shorts for anything more than a quick jaunt these days. If that.

Next it was on to the Exeter roller coaster, then Attica and points east into Rock County. Hit a C-store in Evansville and rode through the Hall of Oaks, meandering east through Fulton. Found another C-store in Milton and the low point of the ride, stopping for over a half-hour.

Made Jefferson County by mid-afternoon, rolling through Fort Atkinson and Jefferson before stopping in Lake Mills for a break. Waterloo came next as we turned west into the setting sun. Tyler had to work that night, so he took off just before we reached the Madison city limits right about the time the sun was dropping below the horizon.

Got home just after sunset and hobbled around a little the next day.

Picktrs on the Flickr.

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